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Rybelsus reviews and testimonials

  • NB
    Nina Baker
    Verified review

    Type 2 diabetes, female 40 years old, if that matters. I have pretty typical diabetes symptoms that keep most people like me from living an everyday life. But on top of that, obesity gave me hypertension. At 5 feet and 7 inches, I weighed 240 lbs. The doctor prescribed me a strict diet and Rybelsus, the dose of which increased every month. During the first weeks, I had diarrhea and tolerable nausea. However, these symptoms almost disappeared with time. In three months, I've lost around 80 lbs because I don't want to eat at all. I can do with salad and a bowl of porridge a day. My sugar level is still far from normal. But I feel healthier, and my blood pressure is OK. I think this drug is worth a positive review.

  • JC
    Jenna Carpenter
    Verified review

    This drug kills appetite. There is really no craving for food. That is a key to successful weight loss and getting rid of diabetes symptoms. But I'm a bit anxious about what will happen after I stop taking it. I hope my symptoms won't come back. Anyway, I have one more month of treatment ahead and should lose another 10-15 lbs. So far, I am happy.

  • RC
    Ross Castro
    Verified review

    I am a diabetic with seniority and also have PCOS. I've already taken other drugs like Victoza before, but they only worked as long as I took them. After finishing the treatment, I always regained weight, and high blood sugar returned to me too. This time with Rybrlsus, everything was different. After three months, I lost 33 lbs. My blood sugar level reached prediabetic levels. A month has passed since the end of the treatment, and I managed to maintain the results achieved on my own. I am delighted.

  • AS
    Arthur Simmons
    Verified review

    I used to take other blood sugar control drugs, including Metformin. I had terrible side effects. I was constantly sick and had a headache. At the same time, the sugar level remained high. Thank God, the doctor prescribed me Rybelsus, and after the first month, I felt a huge difference. My A1C is around 6.4%, and I feel much better. Looking forward to another month on Rybelsus. I have high hopes for this drug.

  • PH
    Prue Henderson
    Verified review

    I have had type 2 diabetes for a while and constantly feel weak. My weight is around 90 kg, which is too much for my height. But recently my eyesight got worse. So, I decided to finally start taking the pills. Rybelsus significantly reduced my appetite and killed my desire to eat my fav sweets. That pause from my cravings helped me change my diet to a healthier one. However, I experienced rather severe abdominal pains and nausea at first. After a month, my body got used to the medication and my suffering was over. I've been on Rybelsus for three months now and lost 10 kg so far. I feel that my overall health has improved. I have more energy and am starting to like my reflection in the mirror.

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