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Rapamycin reviews and testimonials

  • LL
    Linda Langly
    Verified review

    In general, I like the medication. It is easy to take (once a day). But you should always be alert, take tests on time, and check your condition with the doctor.

  • NC
    Naomi Caves
    Verified review

    I have a rather weak immune system by nature, and this med has made me even more sensitive to viruses. However, there is no claim to direct action of the drug. It did its j job well.

  • LC
    Luka Carswall
    Verified review

    For the first month, I felt all the "delights" of side effects. I have had headaches and digestive problems, including nausea and constipation. Now my health is OK. It looks like the body is used to Rapacan, and the treatment is going according to the plan.

  • AK
    Amanda Knight
    Verified review

    I'm very lucky that I was diagnosed with sporadic lymphangioleiomyomatosis in time... and it was not too late to take the pills. Thanks to the drug, my condition has stabilized, and I am recovering. I like the tendency. And I hope it will only get better

  • SP
    Sudney Pulker
    Verified review

    Used a drug after kidney transplant. After three months of taking Sirolimus, I accidentally cut myself with a knife. My wound did not heal after a week. I reported it to the doctor, and unfortunately, I had to stop taking the drug. The side effects were too bad for me.

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