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Rapamycin reviews and testimonials

  • TV
    Taylor Vitch
    Verified review

    Male, 50 years old. I take the drug after surgery on my kidney. During therapy, I was also diagnosed with arthritis for the first time. I'm not sure it has anything to do with the medication. But I decided to write about it and warn others.

  • JS
    Jake Shylan
    Verified review

    Rapacan was the best way to prevent my kidney from being rejected. The medication works, but once in a while, I have rather strong headaches, so I have to take painkillers. Otherwise, no complaints.

  • AM
    Alyssa McGowan
    Verified review

    Diagnosis: sporadic lymphangioleiomyomatosis. The drug had significantly improved my lung function. SO it did its job. I had really low immunity while being on Rapamycin. Use with caution.

  • NM
    Nancy May
    Verified review

    Can't recommend this drug; got urinary tract infections, hypokalemia, and high pressure after taking it.

  • JM
    Joe Macey
    Verified review

    Since starting the med, I experienced a lot of new symptoms, not pleasant ones… but I kinda have no choice and should take the drug for my kidney not to reject. The only advice I can give is don't expect the treatment to be easy.

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