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Eliquis reviews and testimonials

  • TL
    Teo Lanning
    Verified review

    After falling off a roof, I had a fracture and underwent multiple surgeries. After my last surgery, I was prescribed to take Eliquis pills with another drug to avoid the blood clots. The drug worked perfectly. No complaints.

  • VM
    Veronica Mazur
    Verified review

    The drug's price is high, but it is fully consistent with the quality. The medication helped me with atrial fibrillation and prevented thrombosis in different parts of the body.

  • TM
    Teresa Marquis
    Verified review

    A few years ago, nothing foretold troubles until I was hospitalized and diagnosed with thrombosis. The diagnosis is not a pleasant one. I was really shocked by it. The medication helped me to prevent surgery! I am very grateful for it.

  • HS
    Harrison Scully
    Verified review

    My mother has been hypertonic for years, and on the last examination, it turned out that she also has a flickering arrhythmia. They prescribed the drug Eliquis because it prevents thrombosis. We are pleased with the result; my mom’s condition has improved.

  • BW
    Bree Watkins
    Verified review

    The pills helped me well with vein thrombosis, but my stomach and digestive system as a whole suffered from side effects.

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