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Champix generic reviews and testimonials

  • BK
    Brooks Kim
    Verified review

    I stopped smoking a week ago and I feel much better. The taste of food has improved dramatically. Now I'm afraid that I might get fat. As for the side effects, I can say that the first weeks were not easy. I really had headaches, once I had a severe nausea, and I began to take the pills only after a meal. For me it was a good experience. I can tell everyone: do not give up!

  • JC
    Joyce Colson
    Verified review

    It took me 2 attempts. I took Champix for 24 weeks and eventually I succeeded.

  • BS
    Benson Stringer
    Verified review

    I have been taking Champix for 3 weeks and have halved the number of cigarettes I smoke. I began to get less pleasure from cigarettes, but hey this is what we want, right? Side effects: nausea, vivid dreams, and dry mouth.

  • NJ
    Norton Jeanes
    Verified review

    I've read your reviews and ordered Champix online, and now I'm looking forward to a fast start of treatment.

  • RA
    Rona Alan
    Verified review

    I was sure that I would never stop smoking, Champix proved me wrong.

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