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Bimat reviews and testimonials

  • MM
    Michael Manning
    Verified review

    I advise the newbies to read the instructions twice, and if something is unclear, ask the doctor. For the first few months, I didn't press the tear duct corners after using the drops, and so the drug didn't work 100%.

  • SQ
    Sophia Quinn
    Verified review

    Never, do you hear me? Never use Bimat for eyelash growth without a prescription. I am a fool who has risked eye health for beauty. I am taking an antihistamines course now. I am writing this review to warn the same "aesthetic" lovers as me.

  • TC
    Teo Cross
    Verified review

    If you follow the doctor's advice and use Bimat according to the instructions, the drug will work perfectly. At least my experience proves it.

  • IB
    Iris Blair
    Verified review

    The doctor prescribed me this drug against hypotrichosis (insufficient growth of the eyelashes). Works fine. No complaints

  • ZL
    Zen Liu
    Verified review

    After using these drops, I developed dermatitis. Such a pity. It worked great for my eyes. The doctor said that this side effect is rare enough. I'm upset.

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