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Bactrim generic ülevaated ja iseloomustused

  • BM
    Bernard Murgatroyd
    Verified review

    Wonderful! The price is very low!

  • AK
    Aubrey Kennard
    Verified review

    Hello! I had pain and burning in places that I don't want to talk about. I was recommended to take Bactrim 2 times a day (with an interval of 12 hours). I'm on day 6 and getting better.

  • DH
    Darrel Hardwick
    Verified review

    Bactrim is a safe and effective antibiotic for the treatment of UTIs.

  • LW
    Leigh Wayne
    Verified review

    After my first dose I peed every 20 minutes. It's a small price to pay for a cure. As a whole, I'm satisfied.

  • EG
    Enola Garret
    Verified review

    Hello! I'm 21 and this is my first experience of a UTI. It started with a slight burning sensation, then there were pains in the lower abdomen. With a feeling of confusion, I went to the doctor who prescribed a 10-day Bactrim treatment, 2 times a day with an interval of 12 hours. I took 5 doses and only then did I notice some improvement. I passed a complete treatment course. I'm glad the diagnosis and treatment were correct.

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