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Aralen generic reviews and testimonials

  • PH
    Pierpaolo Haase
    Verified review

    I decided to share my experience. I went a path from a very severe condition to discharge from the hospital in 7 days. I'm fine now. Aralen 500 mg helped me get through this very scary time. Be sure to participate in mass vaccination, do not get sick.

  • HH
    Harper Hampton
    Verified review

    As a whole, I had a positive experience of using Aralen. As for me, I would recommend taking the pills after meals. This way you'll have less chance of such side effects as nausea and abdominal pain.

  • CB
    Claudia Borgnino
    Verified review

    I took Aralen for COVID-19 to recover faster. The pills relieved muscle pain, cough and throat pain. Tiredness and shortness of breath disappeared.

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