Aciclovir reviews and testimonials
CMCody MosbyVerified review
When I was young, there was no such magic pill, and I just used ointments that only helped speed up the healing process. I'm glad things are so much simpler now that you can keep your health normal without worrying that the disease will catch up with you at the wrong time.
RHRue HuxleyVerified review
I have had herpes for 8 years now. And my outbreaks are usually caused by stress. I take the pill every day, and it helps me avoid the unpleasant symptoms. In general, the drug works well if you do not forget to take it every day.
ALAzalea LittlesVerified review
I used to take another medication, which helped speed up bumps' healing process. But outbreaks happened with the same frequency. Then the doctor advised me to try Zoviclovir 400 mg; since then, I have forgotten about herpes. If I take the medication on time, the symptoms do not manifest.
HIHarris IslandVerified review
I feel for you if you're facing the virus for the first time. Just know that it will be easier if you choose the right medication. My salvation was Zoviclovir 200 mg. For the second year, I have taken it for suppressive therapy, and my virus does not bother me.
CMColton McKoyVerified review
Thanks to these pills, I can feel like a healthy person. When I take aciclovir, the most unpleasant sensation from herpes is itching. After 3 days, the virus recedes. After treatment, I sometimes have a slight upset of the stomach. But I can live with it.